Hello! I'm Florence Williams

I am an agent for Sagicor Insurance, and I'm looking forward to getting you the best deal there is in insurance that is reliable, affordable and impactful.

Mission Statement:

The Insurance packages we provide here at Sagicor is unmatched.

I will work with you diligently and ensure you are provided with the best Insurance package that suits you and your family needs. Everyone deserves to live a happy and comfortable life. That is exactly what we do here at Sagicor. Looking forward to you becoming a part of the family!

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Health Insurance

our health insurance package will provide you with extensive coverage which includes: Medical expenses, hospitilization costs, appointment/consultation fees, medication fees and more.

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Life Insurance

Our life insurance package will also provide extensive coverage for other aspects of your life, such home expenses from damage due to natural disasters or motor vehicle expenses from accidents.

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General Insurance

Our general insurance can cover anything else that nots listed in the other packages such as death, funeral expenses for example. It also can be used for your family members to secure their future.

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Our family is huge, here is some welcoming messages from some of

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Frequently Asked Questions

a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality.

Generally, you need life insurance if other people depend on your income, or if you have debt that will carry on after your death. After all, you don't want to leave your loved ones without money to live on.

Most travel insurance plans cover medical emergencies, trip cancellation, trip interruption, delays, medical evacuation, and lost, damaged, or stolen luggage.

Having good health insurance is one of the most crucial pieces to your financial plan. It's vital to your financial health by helping protect you from financial calamity.

You can buy your insurance policy through an individual agent, a corporate agent or a broker.

Contact Info

  • Agent Name: Florence Williams
  • Phone Number: (501) 600 9316
  • Location: 1929 Barton Creek, Belmopan, Belize
  • Email: florvw34@yahoo.com

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